Success Without Stress
Setting You Up For Success Without Stress
Transform Overwhelm Into Clarity And Thoughts Into Action
Not feeling organised?
Sick of feeling stressed, overwhelmed and or frustrated?
Know something has to change but not sure where to start. Let’s chat.
Whether you are talking about home or work, the stress of feeling overwhelmed and disorganised can impact all areas of your life, your health, wealth and happiness.
And feeling unable to ask for help or get the help you need can mean patterns repeat and frustration creeps in. (Or in some cases it erupts like a volcano and usually over something that is not really that important). That is when you might find yourself criticising yourself, your situation and or those you work and live with. This can lead to a breakdown in communication and conflict with yourself and or others.
That is when talking to someone outside home or work can be incredibly liberating.
So often in life we talk to different people about difference aspects of our life and yet when you talk to me, you can include the whole story without the need to edit, filter or compartmentalise.
As the ‘Listening Detective’ I listen so that you can gain clarity of what you want and confidence in “How you make good decisions”; “How you plan” and “How your relationship with time might impact them both”. During our sessions you can expect to leave with practical strategies to support you to be at your best most of the time.
For some just one hour is all that is needed whilst others benefit from regular sessions over time and some even choose to stay on and continue to develop their listening skills, enabling them to support those they work and live with.
Do. Delegate or Ditch Academy provides you with a safe space to expand and extend your own models whilst learning how differently others experience the same things. You can join us for as little as a month, however we recommend that you commit to a minimum of six months to cover all of the core models and skills.
Clarity, Confidence and Change is a bespoke 3 month, one to one programme that is tailored to support you to achieve a specific outcome.
Power hours are for those times when you know you just need an hour of clean questions to set yourself up for success and or for someone that would like to experience how I work before committing to a bigger programme.
Not sure if I can help. Let’s chat. What have you got to lose apart from the problem?
For more information check out our work with us page or get in touch via our contact us page

Know what you want
Why you want it
Who you want it for

Know what works for you
Trust your own process
Track progress

Change the narrative
Give yourself effective feedback
Be willing and able to ask for it
Time and space to practice new skills and behaviours

Change can be messy, chaotic and disruptive. Even when it is change we want , but more so when it is change that is imposed on us.
For many change means letting go of the old and the familiar to make space for the new and this for some can evoke emotions often associated with grief.
Then there is the way we humans behave when we are not getting our needs met. Many of us will often get into drama meaning we get into conflict with ourselves and those we work and live with. This can create quite the bind for those that dislike conflict.
Then there is the fact that the human brain both loves and hates change. Too much change and we may experience overwhelm and too little change and we become bored or restless.
Add into mix that our own relationship with change can and does change it is often something we need to review regularly.
Given change is the one thing we can guarantee as part of our human experience and we all have needs, we believe it makes sense to get to know what those needs are so that we can communicate them with clarity and confidence.
At Step by Step Listening we create a safe to speak space so that you can slow down your thinking and reconnect with yourself. For some a one off session is enough to gain clarity of what they want and for others it takes time to re-learn how to listen to themselves, to develop new skills, practice new behaviours and build a network of support.
Our founder Sheryl found herself in the very same situation in 2012. Having supported thousands of other people she found herself stuck, alone and feeling isolated despite being surrounded by people that cared for her. She had forgotten to take the time to really listen to and get to know herself. Her whole identity had become associated with helping others and her attention was so ‘other’ focused she rarely knew what she wanted beyond others being okay.
Whilst she knew things had to change, she also feared that asking for help would change how others related to her. So she wore a mask pretending to be okay when inside she felt like she was dying. Then one day her husband said. “What would you tell your clients to do?” That was when she realised that her clients had asked her for help and they now had the clarity and confidence to ask for help from their family and friends because they knew what worked and what didn’t.
That day she signed up for Do, Delegate or Ditch and got her team to take her through her own process. Then as she became familiar with what she needed she started to have conversations with her friends and family. It took time and practice but with support asking for help got easier.
Introductory Session
At Step by Step Listening we know how hard it can be to reach out and ask for help, especially when you don’t really know what the problem is.
You can spend hours talking or thinking about the same thing going around in circles feeling like you are stuck in a hamster wheel or on a treadmill with no way of hitting the pause button. Sometimes you know what you want but it takes courage to even think it, let alone say it out loud and then take action.
That is when having someone to talk to that is outside of your work and home life, can provide you with the space and time to be present and really listen to what you think and feel.
It can settle your state, reduce stress chemicals and improve your cognitive ability. Enabling you to hear the wisdom that perhaps you have not yet been able to access alone.
And if you have paid for help before and it has not worked we get that you might be fearful of wasting your money, which is why we offer you a number of ways of getting started:
1. You can book and pay for one hour introductory session referred to by our clients as a power hour.
In just 60 minutes you can expect to gain:
- Clarity of what you want
- Confidence in your next step
- And understanding of what kind of support you need to manage the change
And if you are not entirely happy with the outcome we will give you a full refund. We get that Clean Language and our style is not right for everyone and yet we are still committed to making asking for help easier for you. So with your permission we will ask you some questions so that you understand why it didn’t work for you and what might work better. And you never know we might know someone that can offer that kind of listening/support/help.
2. Alternatively, book a free 20 minute chemistry call and let’s get to know each other first.
3. Not ready to talk, but know something has to change then sign up for our free Success without Stress updates.
The choice is yours and of course you can do all three.
Now take a moment and consider, what would you like to have happen next?

Sheryl Andrews - Founder
A mother of a blended family of 5 and having held management roles for over 30 plus years she was no stranger to motivating and managing expectations of others. In fact she still thrives on making things happen. She loves nothing more than creating the conditions for change to happen. She has this ability to really listen then either adapt her behaviour to support you in just the right way, or introduce you to someone that she knows.
Sheryl is a keen networker who loves getting to know what kind of support is available, so that she can recommend others, when she is not a good fit.
In 2012 she found herself stuck and unable to ask for help for herself and her own daughter. As she lay in a heap on the floor sobbing, her husband asked “What would you tell your clients to do?”
She said she would get someone that could ask her questions to gain clarity of what she wanted and the confidence to make it happen. That day she started to attend her own programmes as a client. That started the process of her developing her very own peer support network where she could lean on and ask for help when she was at her best but also when she was at her worst.
Today she is supported by an amazing team that keep her sane and a loving group of friends and a thriving network of entrepreneurs. However that was not how she felt in 2012. She felt alone and isolated and like giving up on living all together. It all felt too hard and yet she knew she could not give up.
Today her mission is to change the way the world listens by raising awareness of all the different kinds of listening we need to manage change. Ensuring no one has to shed tears in private unaware that this kind of support even exists.