Do, Delegate or Ditch Academy
Developing the resources to work, learn and live your best life.
Sick of feeling stressed?
Want to be more successful at communicating what you want?
Join us and gain clarity of what you want & need to be at your best.
Whether you have a big life changing decision to make or you are adjusting to a change that has been imposed on you, ‘The Academy’ will be there for you as you explore what you need now to be at your best.
You will have time and space to gain clarity of what you want and a peer support group to practice asking for it.
Do, Delegate or Ditch Academy is a private, safe and supportive community that meet online to develop the skills and resources required to work, learn and live at your best.
Step by step you will learn to pay attention to what you are saying and the impact that has on your ability to get what you want.
You will be encouraged to develop the skills vital to delegate and how to ask for help, to track patterns and ditch behaviour that does not serve you.
We will support you as you learn what you need to support yourself.

Join The Do, Delegate Or Ditch Academy Today.....
And You Will Get……….
Access to regular group coaching calls.
We currently meet Tuesday 7pm to 9pm (London time) twice a month.
You can attend as many or as few of the calls as you like. (No calls April, August and December)
Throughout the year you will be encouraged to gain clarity of what you want over various time frames. Eg today, this week, this month and or this year.
Then you will be invited to explore how you need to be, to make that happen.
By the end of the year you can expect to have a better understanding of:
- What you need to set yourself up for success
- Where your stress comes from and practical things you can do to reduce stress
- Your own decision making process, what works about it and what doesn’t
- Your relationship with time and how that impacts your ability to plan and make decisions
- Different ways to listen
- How to ask good questions
- How you prefer to give and receive feedback
You will also have access to:
- Our private Facebook Group where you will be able to give and receive peer support.
- Pre-recorded foundation courses to watch at your leisure
- Foundation courses when facilitated live. (See below the frequency and value)
- Special rates and personal invites to other events, products & services hosted by Step by Step Listening.
Access to foundation courses:
- Get stuff done day- A day dedicated to taking action. Valued at £35
- 8 week Do, Delegate or Ditch – Time to reflect on what you need to manage yourself and your time more effectively. Run live in the academy twice a year Valued £597
- 7 Day Make it Happen Motivator Course -Practical step by step process to gain clarity of what you want and motivation to make it happen. Valued £
Foundation Programmes
We run the “Do, Delegate or Ditch 8 Week Foundation Course” twice a year live where you get to explore your decision making, planning and time management and what you need to work, learn and live at your best. And you have access to recordings all year round, if at anytime you feel you need to dip into and develop these skills.
Throughout the year we are also exploring what kind of listening, questioning and feedback you need to work, learn and live at your best with others and checking what you want and what works for you.
Catching Yourself Getting Things Right
To keep us safe the human brain is hardwired to notice what is not working and this can cause stress chemicals to be produced. This in turn can inhibit our cognitive ability to process information, learn and make decisions. With this in mind we encourage academy members to catch themselves and others getting things right, to proactively celebrate change and acknowledge any signs of progress.
For some too much change creates overwhelm. For others too little change evokes frustration. Learning how to listen to your thoughts, feelings and emotions without judgment and discovering what you need to hear and see to achieve success without stress can take practice and for some clarity is all they need.
What we know from past experience is that a minimum of six months will allow you to cycle through the foundation courses at least once giving you the opportunity to develop core skills and models. Twelve months gives you the opportunity to revisit your models, notice change and update your models.
The one thing that is constant in life is change. What you need today to work, learn and live at your best may well be different a year from now. By taking time out to regularly check in and notice what is happening, you ensure you have the tools and resources you need to set yourself up for success.

I Just Wanted To Be A Good Mum
Sheryl says. “In 2012, I was on my knees. I was crying so hard that I found it hard to breath. As I gasped for the next breath, I caught out of the corner of my eye, my youngest looking quite concerned. Somehow I managed to breath and reassured him that I was okay and that I was just really upset. But I was not okay. I fell back into my husbands arms and told him “I just want to die, I can’t do this anymore”
At the time, I was a mums and daughter relationship coach and I had by now helped over 50 women have better relationships with their daughters. Despite getting emails, photos and text sharing their success stories, I felt a failure. My own daughter was just sixteen and living on the streets and my world felt like it was falling apart.
That day my husband asked “What would you tell your clients to do?”
The answer was ‘Get one of me and work on confidence’
The one thing my clients had done that I had not done was ask for help. I had been too scared of the what people would think and the impact on my business.
That day I started to attend Do, Delegate or Ditch Foundation Programme. The moment I made that decision I had hope and although it took almost three years to rebuild my relationship with myself and my daughter, in that moment I had clarity and confidence it would be possible.
My daughter is now in her late twenties and we have an awesome relationship. Whilst the change took time, the relief was instant. The minute I had clarity of what I needed in terms of support I could start the process of building my very own support network. I, like many of my clients went from feeling hopeless to hopeful in a matter of minutes.
That day as I lay on the floor I realised that death meant peace and not feeling a failure. That meant that I needed to learn how to achieve success without being stressed by the set backs or the mistakes that would be part of the process. That meant that I had to see every set back as learning not failing and in that moment I realised I knew what to do. Ironically I had been helping my clients do that very thing for years.
Right now you too have so much wisdom within you, but what no one teaches us at school is that how someone listens and interacts with us will often determine whether we can access it or not.
Tens of Thousands of People Are Shedding Tears In Private
Remembering how I felt that day laying on my bedroom floor in tears, is what motivates me to raise awareness of the importance of the right kind of listening and how Clean Language can help you help yourself. When I recall how I felt and I imagine others feeling like that right now, it drives me to push through any fear or discomfort. It enables me to stretch myself (without stressing myself) It motivates me to keep going no matter how slow the progress maybe I know that I don’t want to give up.
Clean Language and Peer Support
So many people still do not know how Clean Language and a community of peer support can transform the way you make sense of yourself and the world around you. They still think they should be able to do it for themselves by themselves. Even though I had spent thirty years supporting others, I missed the most important piece of the puzzle. “The supporter also needs to be able to ask for support”.
Road Map to Success Without Stress
I had spent years asking the questions and providing the resource and support for others but I had not taken the time to understand what support I needed.
I ignored the signs that I was stressed because my identity revolved around being seen as strong, dependable and someone others could rely on.
Thankfully my clients had created the road map to success. They had reached out to me and then we co-created a peer support network that enabled them to develop a better understanding of what support and resources they needed to set themselves up for success.
Many have gone onto become my friends. It time for me to learn to express how I feel and be vulnerable. It was not easy. But it has enabled me to find peace.
Life is tough sometimes. People we love die and things come to an end. Being able to acknowledge how we feel is part of the process. We cannot be happy all the time however I have discovered when I am free to express all emotions I am happier more of the time.
In the age of information and the economy of attention we are being challenged to listen to more and more people.
My question to you, is when was the last time you paused and really listened to yourself?
People often talk about work/life balance and I think it is more about a balance between listening to yourself and listening to others.
I am so grateful that I discovered Clean Language and I am excited to share it with you
Join The Do, Delegate Or Ditch Academy Today.....
And discover peer support without peer pressure. A space for you to discover who you are and what you want.
When you sign up you will also receive a welcome pack including:
- The Do, Delegate or Ditch Manual
- A signed Copy of Manage Your Critic – From Overwhelm To Clarity in 7 Steps
- A Special Gift.
Academy Plus
Sometimes we need a more private space to explore our thoughts and feelings. If you know that you have something more personal to discuss or you just prefer to work one to one. You can upgrade to Academy Plus which includes six one to one session and personal email accountability too. Or you can talk to me about one to one coaching.
Whatever your needs are right now, I am confident that we can listen and help you work out what you want and support you as you establish your support network.
When you click the sign up now button it will show you the different options and the cost.
If there is anything else you need to know please click contact us here and get in touch. We will be more than happy to listen.
Doors Are Now Open
The Do, Delegate or Ditch System
After years of coaching others I have discovered that change comes down to three things:
1. Clarity of what you want
2. Confidence in your self
3. The right support network to manage the change.
The decisions you make, each and every day have the ability to transform your life or turn it upside down.
Whether you feel concerned about the future, frustrated with your present or angry about your past, I’d make a guess that you have tried talking to friends and family and nothing seems to work.
I also bet that right now you feel really alone and stuck like no one gets you. You might also be thinking that you know it is down to you to change and you might think that no one can help you but you.
But what no one tells you at school is that to hear ourselves and therefore to help ourselves we sometimes need someone else to listen in just the right way.
That is where the academy comes in.
We each process and make sense of the world in our own way and when you understand what works for you and what doesn’t, you are in a better position to set yourself up for success.
And what worked yesterday might not work today and so it is useful to have a way of checking in and updating your models.

Discover A Better Way Of Listening
When you know the questions to ask and how to listen you will have the tools at your finger tips to know, like and trust yourself again. All sessions are facilitated using a process called Clean Coaching. It is an extreme form of listening developed by David Grove in the 1980’s and it is a way of listening that gives you access to the wisdom that is within you.
In the age of information there is never a lack of free resources where other people will tell you what works for them, which can be super useful and yet few offer you time and space to listen to yourself on a deeper level. When you give yourself time to stop, think and reflect you create time to develop solutions and strategies with ‘your’ strengths in mind. You can learn how to set yourself up for success without stress by learning how to ask for what you need and get it.
Work, Learn & Live At Your Best More Of The Time

What would you like to have happen?
Here's What You Get When You Sign Up:
- The Do, Delegate Or Ditch Academy Manual
- Regular Group coaching calls per year
- Access to £3000 worth of courses to develop the skills to ask for help and get it
- Access to Private Facebook Group
- Peer support without peer pressure
Do, Delegate Or Ditch Has Helped Hundreds of People and I am so excited to share a couple of their stories with you here.....
What our members say
Tracey Parker

The Academy is like what?
The great thing about being online is that I can be in my own space. Before the course it was like I was perched on the edge and now I am embracing my space fully. My space is now a reflection of me.
The fact I can attend the courses as often as I like I found that when I attended for a second time, it was a much more comfortable adventure as much of it was familiar and yet it was also an adventure into unchartered territory.
I had noticed a rather large bump in my metaphorical carpet where I had been sweeping things under it and then ignoring them. I had even started to trip over the bump.
By the end of that week I had only a few crumbs left which I will look forward to exploring next time
The Academy is like what?
Enlightening although that word doesn’t feel powerful enough. The light bulb moment was when I recognised my pattern, it was a pattern I had seen before but now I could follow it through with what I can do now.
I want to say it was ‘kind o’f life changing but no it has changed my life.
My life is now in technicolour. Before it was like my life was black and white and I was observing it from up with the Gods and now I am down in it, in the moment, in all the technicolour.
The Academy is like having a big sister that is there to support you and doesn’t complain if you haven’t called for a while.
Lizzie George
"It Has Changed My Life"

Jenny Walker
"A Feeling That Will Last"

The Academy is like what?
Looking inwards and putting yourself the centre of attention. It wasn’t comfortable at first, but now it is like a yoga meditation beside the pool and you just know that this feeling is endless and will last.
The Do, Delegate or Ditch Academy
Is The Time Right For You To Join Us?
The minute you sign up you will become a member of the group on line and the journey begins.
Clients often say that their first session leaves them feeling less alone and like their is hope again.
Check in now and ask yourself “What would you like to have happen?
Our doors and hearts will always be open and we will be here whenever your ready.
All I ask is that you don’t do what I did and wait for crisis before reaching out for the support.
'The Do, Delegate or Ditch Academy'
Are you ready for change?

The Listening Detective
P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal for £997 for the year or £97 per month (minimum membership six months recommended) you get:
- The Do, Delegate Or Ditch Academy Manual
- Regular Group coaching calls per year
- Access to £3000 worth of courses to develop the skills to ask for help and get it
- Access to Private Facebook Group
- Peer support without peer pressure
Yes that it is all in this one programme.
Click the button below to find out more.
A mum of a blended family five and four grandchildren, self employed working from home for 20 plus years; Sheryl is no stranger to being stretched between responsibilities.
On the outside she looked and sounded like she had it all together but inside she was falling apart. She had lost her sense of humour; impatient and often crying.
She was too scared to admit she needed help in case her clients and potential clients lost confidence in her. She didn’t want to ask family and friends because she felt guilty if they gave up their time and it didn’t help.
Eventually she hit rock bottom; divorce; death of her mum and the breakdown of her relationship with her daughter left her struggling. That is when her husband said: “What would you tell your clients to do?”
The answer was: “Get a coach and develop my own support network where I can be real and honest with myself”
That day she started to attend her own programmes and as the saying goes, the rest is history. Today Sheryl spends her time helping others gain clarity of what they want, the confidence to ask for help to make it happen. By changing the way you listen to and react to feedback you can change the way you work, learn and live in collaboration with others.

What Our Clients Say About Us

Making Change Easier
At Step by Step Listening we know how hard it can be to reach out and ask for help, when you don’t really know what the problem is. Especially if you have tried lots of other ‘talking/listening’ services and nothing seems to have worked. With that in mind we have made this as easy as we can for you to try how we work.
We offer a money back guarantee with our power hour session. You can explore what you would like to have happen and gain clarity of your next best step, whilst experiencing how we can support you through the process. If you get to the end of the session and you do not have clarity of what you want and confidence in your next best step to make it happen we will give you a full refund.
At the end of every call we ask for feedback. If the way we work is not right for you, we might know someone that can support you in the way that works for you.
After years of motivating others to turn their thoughts into action, what we have come to understand is that motivation is an inside job. But accessing it is so much easier and fun with support. We will show you how different
kinds of listening can enable you to take back control of yourself, your emotions and your time.
Sick of feeling stuck?
Know something has to change?
Then book your power hour today.
You have nothing to lose, apart from the problem.
In just 60 minutes you can expect to gain:
Clarity of what you want
Confidence in your next step
Understanding of what kind of support you need to change