Get Stuff Done Days
Gain Clarity of What You Want and the Motivation to Make It Happen
Stop Talking and Start Doing
Join us for a day of taking action and skilled facilitation to manage overwhelm and motivation
A never ending to do list can at times feel like a massive weight on your shoulders. It can cloud your thinking and evoke overwhelm. With so many responsibilities and choices it is easy to feel demotivated or distracted. Even when you know what you want you might find yourself doing everything but that thing.
Whether you are struggling to get started or finished; “Get stuff done days” are dedicated time to turn your thoughts into action and make stuff happen whilst being supported and encouraged by an experienced facilitator and your peers.
What would you do if you had a day dedicated to getting stuff done? Getting started and or finishing that task would be like what for you?
What would the impact be?
Then what would be possible?
Book today and give yourself the benefit of a day with overwhelm specialist Sheryl Andrews aka The Listening Detective. Sheryl listens enabling you to hear and understand your patterns and processes. As you gain clarity of what you want and what works for you, you are likely to grow in confidence to take action.
And sometimes confidence is the other side of action.
With this in mind Sheryl and the other attendees will be your cheerleaders and encourages on the day.
Sick of feeling stuck don’t miss the opportunity to really commit to yourself and your desire to take action.
Sick of feeling alone and isolated, then commit to sharing the time with others.
For just £35 you can join us virtually from the comfort of your home and or any other space you want to take action in.
Together we will create a plan, make it happen and celebrate changes.
When Will You Take Action?
The minute you book you will be setting the intention for change to happen.

A mum of a blended family of five and four grandchildren, self-employed working from home since 1999, Sheryl is no stranger to being stretched between responsibilities.
On the outside she looked and sounded like she had it all together but inside she was falling apart. She had lost her sense of humour; impatient and often crying.
She was too scared to admit she needed help in case her clients and potential clients lost confidence in her. She didn’t want to ask family and friends because she felt guilty if they gave up their time and it didn’t help.
Eventually she hit rock bottom; divorce; death of her mum and the breakdown of her relationship with her daughter left her struggling. That is when her husband said: “What would you tell your clients to do?”
The answer was: “Get a coach and develop my own confidence”
That day she started to attend her own programmes and got to know how her brain worked, her patterns, processes and what she needed to work, learn and live at her best.
Today Sheryl spends her time training others to chat with the purpose of really listening to and getting to know themselves so that they can communicate with clarity and confidence the changes they want and or the impact change is having on them.