We each utilise our five senses to understand the world around us, and we usually have a dominant sense. When we are confused and unable to make sense it can trigger all kinds of emotions and that can lead to overwhelm and stress. When we are asked questions and we cannot recall the information some worry about the impact on their reputation or what other people think. All of this produces more stress chemicals and makes managing the stress and answering the questions even harder.
As we each recall memories using our senses in our own unique way understanding what works for you can reduce the stress and overwhelm and put you back in control by enabling you to ask for what you need.
You will most likely know of people that can tell you the name of a song the minute they hear one note and others that seem to have a photographic memory and recall images with the most minute of detail and yet some of us can’t.
Learning is something we have to do from the minute we are born to the day we die. Many associated it with school and education and yet whenever things change we have to learn to adapt by learning new ways of being. Whether it is adapting to being okay with all my children growing up and not needing me as much or yet another social media platform. Learning is the one constant that comes with all change. How you learn, recall information and manage your stress levels therefore can often determine the quality of your decisions.
One of the Do, Delegate or Ditch Foundation Course modules is ‘Learning at your best’. At the beginning of the week there is a short video and a worksheet and the group are encouraged to observer themselves and consider what is happening when they are learning at their best. Then we come together and ask each other questions to compare and contrast our different models.
‘When you are learning at your best, learning is like what?’
We also do a five senses exercise to be curious about our similarities and differences.
If I ask you to see an elephant, what happens?
Can you automatically see one? Some people can, and some people can’t.
If I said, hear music, what happens? Are you the type of person who can instantly recall a tune? Perhaps you are someone that gets a piece of music stuck in your head?
Think about how you like to learn new information. Do you prefer to read a book, listen to a podcast, watch a video or do something practical?
Have evet felt agitated when someone was showing you something, because you had this overwhelming ‘need’ to hold the ‘thing.’
Setting yourself up for success
This awareness can alleviate stress by making sense of why you feel the way you do. All of this gives you choice.
We are all different in this regard; some people forget this and can at times feel awkward if they don’t process information quickly enough or in the same way as others. I have had clients that worried they might seem like they are purposefully being unhelpful when in reality they were someone that needed time to reflect. Invariably they were the kind of person that would sleep on it and a day or so later I would get an email when the answer suddenly pops into their head.
In the age of information, it is great that we can consume information in a way that works for us, be it audio, video, or in writing. But when it comes to our relationships, we may work and live with people that have different ways of processing and making sense. Getting to know what works for you and them can ensure you support each other to be at your best more of the time and that you have understanding and compassion for those times when it is not as resourceful.
It is easy to assume or even wish that everyone experiences the world the same way we do, but we then miss the opportunity to benefit from our differences.
Being curious about such things means you can reduce the risk of misunderstandings and conflict.
Being curious about how you use your senses is an essential first step to understanding yourself better. With that understanding comes the ability to take back control of the information you consume and improve how you learn and make decisions.
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In the Do, Delegate or Ditch Academy, we explore what you need to work, learn, and live at your best both independently and with others, if this is of interest please feel free to get in touch and you can find out more here: The Do Delegate or Ditch Academy