Are You Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired and Want More Time for the Things and People That Matter?

You will receive both the Tame Your Time Monster eBook and a follow up of Time Monster Munchies via Email.

Are You Ready To Claim Back Your Time?

Fed Up Of Never Having Enough Time?

Being someone that is responsible for motivating, managing and mentoring others, it is easy to find yourself busy helping others because you love it. You get a real buzz out of being able to make a difference. And yet you consistently run out of time to help yourself, which results in you becoming irritable and impatient and not very inspiring. You know you can do better but you seem to keep ending up back in the same place. 

When We Are Time Poor We:

  • Struggle alone for longer than necessary
  • Repeat ineffective patterns of behaviour
  • Make Poor Decisions 
  • Fail to manage ourselves, our time and the expectation of others

Not finding time to think, means that you invariably feel overwhelmed and find yourself stuck unable to make decisions. This results in your communications lacking clarity and before long confidence starts to seep away. 

The biggest frustration is that you help others to get motivated and stay focused but you can’t seem to do it for yourself.  But what you might not have noticed is that they have you but you think you ‘should’ be able to do this for yourself and so you struggle on without asking for the very support you provide others.  

You might worry that you will lose credibility if you admit that you cannot take your own advice; so you keep quiet. And even if you do reach the point where you accept you need help, you get stuck because you don’t know who to ask. Even more so if what you know you really need is another one of you, right!!  

That’s why we created Tame Your Time Monster.  A 7 step process that you can do for yourself, by yourself to gain clarity of what you would like to have happen and what works for you whilst exploring your relationship with time. Step by step you will identify how you talk about time can impact your performance and your relationships and how that is holding you back. 

A practical guide for people who want things to change.

Discover how to slow time down in order to think and communicate with more clarity.


Develop greater confidence by changing the data you feed your time monsters. 

Hello I'm 'Sheryl Andrews' (aka The Listening Detective!)

I am the founder of Step by Step Listening and we have a mission to create global unity through improved communication and collaboration in the workplace.

As business leaders we have the potential to change lives and make a massive difference in the lives of many. And it is our responsibility to ensure that we, as well as our teams are fully supported and resourced through times of change.

We hope this guide opens a door way to a new way of thinking about time that will inspire you to create time for you and those you support.  

Imagine This...

  • Getting up everyday with absolute clarity of what you want
  • Having confidence to ask for what you need. 
  • Trusting yourself and your decisions
  • Doing more of what you love, delegating the stuff you don’t and ditching the critic that says you can’t
Julius Asiaw
Addiction Recovery Coach
'I had an insightful time working with Sheryl on Taming your Time Monster and it helped me gain clarity on the specifics that equates to my time monster and most importantly, helped me answer the question, ‘What would I like to have happened?’ 

How It Works...

This is a step by step guide that will take you through a simple process to slow your thinking down so that you can catch your breath and your thoughts. Your thoughts create your emotions and your emotions determine your action. This short and simple guide will leave you instantly feeling more at peace and in control of your thoughts with practical easy to apply processes. Now sometimes we have to change our behaviour to change our thoughts and change our emotions. So the simple act of sitting down with this work could be the first step. 

Then every 4 days or so we will send you a “Time Monster Munchies” – Bite size, easy to digest discussions points regarding time that we trust will inspire you to continue to curious about the language you use to describe your relationship with time. 

And we would love you to join our community of non-judgmental listeners that are creating a space for you to be heard, understood and valued. You can either join our Free online community on Facebook or our paid membership group The Do, Delegate or Ditch Academy.

Here's What We Cover:

7 Step Guide To Put you back in control 

A workbook that you can download and use time and time again. 

Time Monster Munchies 

Every few days you will receive short easy to read tips relating to time.

Access To Our Community

You will be invited to join our community who are committed to developing our non-judgemental listening skills so that more people can tame their time monsters and we can work and live with each other more effectively.

Claire Miller
I Can Create Stories
'The 'Tame your Time Monster guide' encourages you to stop and become aware of how you think about time. Sheryl makes thought provoking points and leads you down the path of discovering what the impact of your thoughts can have. She also sends out Time Monster Munchies emails. I read these emails with great interest and always stop to think about what she is saying. One email gave me confidence to make a decision about a situation I was dealing with at that moment. The guide and emails are worth their weight in gold!'

You're Perfect For This If...

  • You are sick and tired of being sick and tired and the same old patterns repeating.
  • Other’s depend on you being positive and inspiring.
  • You are ready for change.
  • ​You hear yourself saying things like “I just want to be happy” or “If only….”
  • ​You know that no one else can do this for you, it’s down to you.

You Might Not Want This If...

  • You prefer to blame others
  • You don’t take responsibility for your own happiness
  • You want a magic wand 


Right now with very little time to think, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I hope that I have been able to empower you to take the first steps and that this maybe the beginning of a new way of thinking that will free you to live the life you deserve. 

I can’t wait to hear from you!

Sheryl – The Listening Detective

Tame Your Time Monster – Free Guide

Putting You Back In Control Of Your Time

A 7 step process that you can do for yourself, by yourself to gain clarity of what you would like to have happen and whilst unravelling how the story you tell yourself about time is impacting you. 

Enter your details below and check out your inbox for your free guide.

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Do Delegate or Ditch the book

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“Do, Delegate or Ditch – 7 Principles of Motivated Action

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Do Delegate or Ditch the book

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Do, Delegate or Ditch

7 Principles of Motivated Action 

A practical guide for managers, parents and entrepreneurs.

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Through our Success without Stress newsletter you can stay updated with our latest success stories, adventures and events to inspire you to improve your listening skills and manage your critic through times of change. Your privacy and confidentiality is important to us. 


Enter your details below and start improving your listening skills today!

21 days to manage your critic

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The 10 day confidence builder

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Thank you so much for your interest. We have your details and Sheryl will be in touch with you as soon as the programme is available for you to sign up.

7 day clarity challenge

I'm So Pleased You Have Decided To Join Us When We Get Started

Thank you so much for your interest. We have your details and Sheryl will be in touch with you as soon as the challenge is available for you to sign up.

7 day clarity challenge

I am so exciting to be launcing this new challenge

Thank you so much for your interest in our new Programme

7 Day Clarity Challenge

Please enter your details below and  AS SOON AS the programme is available, I will be in touch.

The 10 day confidence builder

I am so exciting to be launcing this new programme.

Thank you so much for your interest in our new Programme

10 Day Confidence Builder

Please enter your details below and  AS SOON AS the programme is available, I will be in touch.

21 days to manage your critic

I am so exciting to be launcing this new programme.

Thank you so much for your interest in our new Programme

21 Days To Manage Your Critic

Please enter your details below and  AS SOON AS the programme is available, I will be in touch.